Saturday, August 9, 2008

back in the saddle

Well, Friends, I am encouraged to tell you that my bout with Hyperemesis, Part Two has come to an end. There have been many dark days since April, but I am in full recovery now and have been doing well for awhile.

I'm hoping to get back into the swing of blogging again. I've missed it.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support over the last few months, too. It made the hardest parts a little easier.

Friday, April 25, 2008

A Quick Note

I've been out of the loop for a little while, dealing with another bout of hyperemesis. It tends to be all-consuming, so I'm able to do precious little at the moment. After a trip to the hospital yesterday my midwife agreed to go the same treatment route as we did in my last pregnancy. So, I sit and wait for my medication pump. Hopefully, life will look normal again within four or five days. Until then, just a quick note to let my scores of readers (both of you) know that, yes, I am still alive.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's the State of Affairs

When you're feeling sick or blue
Alas, there are still things to do
Whether it be cleaning house
Or bringing balance to accounts

Time does not stop for one who's ill
No matter how they wish it will
But I find ways to pass the time
By writing blogs with silly rhymes

I search for laughter on the net
And temporarily forget
That I'm still sick; so just for now
I'll laugh it off, and this is how:

~ If you're anything like me, you're a sucker for watching cats do silly things, like in this video.

~ I can pass a bit of time playing on Wikipedia, typing in ridiculous searches like "Band Aids" and "Tomato Soup".

~ Searching Etsy for adorable little things for my daughter's room.

~ Ooo la la-ing over recipes that I'll soon be inspired to make.

And now that this has all been said
It's time for tea, a bath, then bed.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Good Read

I enjoy reading blogs because, while I cannot find time to pour over a novel for an hour, I can take a few moments to sit and look over five or six blog entries. It's an opportunity to take a quick breath before the baby wakes from her nap. The blogs I read are usually either witty, sentimental, informative, uplifting or a combination of all.

Lately, I've been enjoying what this gal has to say. Check her out, if you can find a minute.

Dreaming of Better Days

When you wake up to a cold, gray sky, it's hard to even want to feel better. I think I'd be more inspired if the sun came bursting through my room and a warm breeze carried in scents of fresh jasmine and rose. Mmmmm, if only.

So, until I am fully recovered and can once again participate in The Pie Game, I will be dreaming.......

Of warmer, sunnier, healthier, happier days.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

One for the Road

I am sick again. Can't believe it! I thought I was in the clear. I mean, it's SPRING for heavens sake! How horrible to be mistaken.

Sickness can be a depressing, debilitating state. There are things to be grateful for in this moment, for sure. But, somehow, the only words that bring comfort are ones that feel almost silly to say: this, too, shall pass.

Here's hoping your Spring has begun on a healthier note!

Monday, March 31, 2008

More than Words

My husband is reading an interesting book. He brought it to the table tonight and read a "standout" excerpt during dinner. What he read was a comment made by Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison during an interview. She was asked by the interviewer why she had become such a great writer. What books had she read? What method had she adopted to structure her pratice? She laughed and said:

"Oh, no, that is not why I am a great writer. I am a great writer because when I was a little girl and walked into a room where my father was sitting, his eyes would light up. That is why I am a great writer. That is why. There isn't any other reason."

It's a beautiful thing, how love propels us on towards greatness. I've become increasingly convinced, especially since being a Mom, that the greatest thing I can do with my life is to love well. Loving someone well changes their life. It changes yours, too.