Friday, October 12, 2007

My Favorite Autumn Things

I was sitting at my desk this morning by the kitchen window. With a hot cup of tea and slice of apple raisin cake for breakfast, I glanced out at the freshly stacked firewood on our porch. And, thankful that it is finally necessary to walk around in wool socks, thought of my favorite autumn things................

* The crisp morning air that's waiting when you open the front door

* The sound of Wes, up early, splitting wood on the deck for kindling so he can get the fire going before I get up

* Deciding on REAL hot chocolate instead of coffee

* Taking a walk with a sweater on and the sun still shining

* Ava in her new, softer-than-soft, footed jammies

* Baking a warm, apple something in the oven that covers the whole house in a sweet cinnamon scent (I love, in general, when Wes walks in and says "it smells gooooood in here")

I can't wait till there are enough leaves for a pile. For jumping into, of course.

1 comment:

lar said...

a few of my favorites...

* the sound of the fallen leaves crunching underfoot

*caramel apple cider

*going to the pumpkin patch with Jakob

*a soft and cozy blanket to nestle in with a loved one