Tuesday, March 11, 2008

10 Things

I really do love my life. Sometimes, in the middle of diapers, late dinners and food smashed into the carpet, I forget that I am tremendously blessed.

Even so, the days tend to look the same. I feel like a broken record at times. Or one of those repeating parrots. Or something.

10 things I say every day:

1. 'Wow, that is a FULL diaper!'
2. 'Good job!'
3. 'Oh, be careful.'
4. 'Be patient, please.'
5. 'Say "thank you Mommy".'
6. 'You have got to be kidding me.'
7. 'Just checking in with you on an ETA so I can plan a dinner time.'
8. 'Could you make sure she doesn't kill herself for one sec while I go pee?'
9. 'No.'
10. 'I love you.'


lar said...

you forgot one- "i've abandoned my child!"

MrsKamorri said...

Love it!! I have posted my own list on my blog. Feel free to visit- I see we have several favorite blogs in common (Beth's and Anna's)!

Lindsey in AL