Well, Friends, I am encouraged to tell you that my bout with Hyperemesis, Part Two has come to an end. There have been many dark days since April, but I am in full recovery now and have been doing well for awhile.
I'm hoping to get back into the swing of blogging again. I've missed it.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support over the last few months, too. It made the hardest parts a little easier.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Quick Note
I've been out of the loop for a little while, dealing with another bout of hyperemesis. It tends to be all-consuming, so I'm able to do precious little at the moment. After a trip to the hospital yesterday my midwife agreed to go the same treatment route as we did in my last pregnancy. So, I sit and wait for my medication pump. Hopefully, life will look normal again within four or five days. Until then, just a quick note to let my scores of readers (both of you) know that, yes, I am still alive.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
It's the State of Affairs
When you're feeling sick or blue
Alas, there are still things to do
Whether it be cleaning house
Or bringing balance to accounts
Time does not stop for one who's ill
No matter how they wish it will
But I find ways to pass the time
By writing blogs with silly rhymes
I search for laughter on the net
And temporarily forget
That I'm still sick; so just for now
I'll laugh it off, and this is how:
~ If you're anything like me, you're a sucker for watching cats do silly things, like in this video.
~ I can pass a bit of time playing on Wikipedia, typing in ridiculous searches like "Band Aids" and "Tomato Soup".
~ Searching Etsy for adorable little things for my daughter's room.
~ Ooo la la-ing over recipes that I'll soon be inspired to make.
And now that this has all been said
It's time for tea, a bath, then bed.
Alas, there are still things to do
Whether it be cleaning house
Or bringing balance to accounts
Time does not stop for one who's ill
No matter how they wish it will
But I find ways to pass the time
By writing blogs with silly rhymes
I search for laughter on the net
And temporarily forget
That I'm still sick; so just for now
I'll laugh it off, and this is how:
~ If you're anything like me, you're a sucker for watching cats do silly things, like in this video.
~ I can pass a bit of time playing on Wikipedia, typing in ridiculous searches like "Band Aids" and "Tomato Soup".
~ Searching Etsy for adorable little things for my daughter's room.
~ Ooo la la-ing over recipes that I'll soon be inspired to make.
And now that this has all been said
It's time for tea, a bath, then bed.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A Good Read
I enjoy reading blogs because, while I cannot find time to pour over a novel for an hour, I can take a few moments to sit and look over five or six blog entries. It's an opportunity to take a quick breath before the baby wakes from her nap. The blogs I read are usually either witty, sentimental, informative, uplifting or a combination of all.
Lately, I've been enjoying what this gal has to say. Check her out, if you can find a minute.
Lately, I've been enjoying what this gal has to say. Check her out, if you can find a minute.
Dreaming of Better Days
When you wake up to a cold, gray sky, it's hard to even want to feel better. I think I'd be more inspired if the sun came bursting through my room and a warm breeze carried in scents of fresh jasmine and rose. Mmmmm, if only.

Of warmer, sunnier, healthier, happier days.
So, until I am fully recovered and can once again participate in The Pie Game, I will be dreaming.......

Of warmer, sunnier, healthier, happier days.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
One for the Road
I am sick again. Can't believe it! I thought I was in the clear. I mean, it's SPRING for heavens sake! How horrible to be mistaken.
Sickness can be a depressing, debilitating state. There are things to be grateful for in this moment, for sure. But, somehow, the only words that bring comfort are ones that feel almost silly to say: this, too, shall pass.
Here's hoping your Spring has begun on a healthier note!
Sickness can be a depressing, debilitating state. There are things to be grateful for in this moment, for sure. But, somehow, the only words that bring comfort are ones that feel almost silly to say: this, too, shall pass.
Here's hoping your Spring has begun on a healthier note!
Monday, March 31, 2008
More than Words
My husband is reading an interesting book. He brought it to the table tonight and read a "standout" excerpt during dinner. What he read was a comment made by Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison during an interview. She was asked by the interviewer why she had become such a great writer. What books had she read? What method had she adopted to structure her pratice? She laughed and said:
"Oh, no, that is not why I am a great writer. I am a great writer because when I was a little girl and walked into a room where my father was sitting, his eyes would light up. That is why I am a great writer. That is why. There isn't any other reason."
It's a beautiful thing, how love propels us on towards greatness. I've become increasingly convinced, especially since being a Mom, that the greatest thing I can do with my life is to love well. Loving someone well changes their life. It changes yours, too.
"Oh, no, that is not why I am a great writer. I am a great writer because when I was a little girl and walked into a room where my father was sitting, his eyes would light up. That is why I am a great writer. That is why. There isn't any other reason."
It's a beautiful thing, how love propels us on towards greatness. I've become increasingly convinced, especially since being a Mom, that the greatest thing I can do with my life is to love well. Loving someone well changes their life. It changes yours, too.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Lip Tip
If you're a lip gloss junkie like I am, you'll appreciate this ~

Even with all of the teeny tiny tubes rattling around in my powder room, I am never without my "old fashioned" standby:
It has a soft, romantic scent. It's so practical, too:
Blemish reducer? Diaper rash ointment? Who can resist? The container alone makes me want to tuck my hair into 40's-style pin curls.
Just a quick pass over your lips, and you're off in a dash!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Baking
My sweet friend Lindsey sent me a mother-load of limes last weekend. Yesterday morning, my husband ran them through our fruit juicer, which yielded about two and a half cups of tart, almost creamy juice. Part of it went into making Anna's limeade (with Pellegrino for a fresh, fizzy twist). The remainder was the star of this Limey Meringue Pie:

I had never worked with meringue before. It was fun and I was pleased with the outcome. The pie was wonderful, and I'm generally not a fan of lime pie.
And, because I have been elected "Resident Baker" for all family get-togethers, I also brought two trays of cakes, layered with custard and cream then topped with fresh fruit. I am calling them Easter Fairy Cakes:

So, tag Beth. You're it.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Good Friday
Monday, March 17, 2008
Tea and Thoughts
Yesterday, I went for afternoon tea and a matinee at a theater where my mother used to play. The show was a Cole Porter musical and, while his music alone is enough to make me swoon, the lyrics to one particular number plucked at my heart all evening. Hearing the delicate but forthright reminder of some things I cherish did my soul well:
I am ashamed that women are so simple
to offer war where they should kneel for peace
Or seek to rule, supremacy and sway
when they are bound to serve, love and obey.
Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth
unapt to toil and trouble in the world
but that our soft conditions and our hearts
should well agree with our external parts?
So hold your temper, wives
and meekly put your hand beneath your lord and husband's foot
In token of which duty, if he please, my hand is ready
May it do him ease.
~ Katherine in Cole Porter's "Kiss me, Kate"
I am ashamed that women are so simple
to offer war where they should kneel for peace
Or seek to rule, supremacy and sway
when they are bound to serve, love and obey.
Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth
unapt to toil and trouble in the world
but that our soft conditions and our hearts
should well agree with our external parts?
So hold your temper, wives
and meekly put your hand beneath your lord and husband's foot
In token of which duty, if he please, my hand is ready
May it do him ease.
~ Katherine in Cole Porter's "Kiss me, Kate"
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Family meals are underrated. I love the simple, relaxed closeness of it all. There's no one to impress and no agenda. Just good food, easy conversation and, best of all, lots of laughter.

Sweetly finished with a heavenly slice of my-oh-my strawberry pie.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
10 Things
I really do love my life. Sometimes, in the middle of diapers, late dinners and food smashed into the carpet, I forget that I am tremendously blessed.
Even so, the days tend to look the same. I feel like a broken record at times. Or one of those repeating parrots. Or something.
10 things I say every day:
1. 'Wow, that is a FULL diaper!'
2. 'Good job!'
3. 'Oh, be careful.'
4. 'Be patient, please.'
5. 'Say "thank you Mommy".'
6. 'You have got to be kidding me.'
7. 'Just checking in with you on an ETA so I can plan a dinner time.'
8. 'Could you make sure she doesn't kill herself for one sec while I go pee?'
9. 'No.'
10. 'I love you.'
Even so, the days tend to look the same. I feel like a broken record at times. Or one of those repeating parrots. Or something.
10 things I say every day:
1. 'Wow, that is a FULL diaper!'
2. 'Good job!'
3. 'Oh, be careful.'
4. 'Be patient, please.'
5. 'Say "thank you Mommy".'
6. 'You have got to be kidding me.'
7. 'Just checking in with you on an ETA so I can plan a dinner time.'
8. 'Could you make sure she doesn't kill herself for one sec while I go pee?'
9. 'No.'
10. 'I love you.'
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Weekly Menu
I am not a natural-born housewife. It requires quite a bit of effort and forethought on my part to make my house run smoothly. Unlike my sister-in-law, I do not have a passion for laundry, dusting and de-cluttering (oh, how I wish that were the case). I'd much rather be baking cookies and sitting outside and eating them.
One thing that has worked for me over the years, though, is a weekly dinner menu. On Sunday nights, I try and put together a unique and appealing meal plan, then I shop on Monday or Tuesday. Once it's done, it's done, which means one less thing to think about. One less thing to potentially forget.
Our dinner menu for this week:
Monday - Bourbon steak, baked potatoes, green beans
Tuesday - Orange salmon, rice pilaf, zucchini, baked apples
Wednesday - Turkey chili, cornbread, cheese and fruit plate
Thursday - Spaghetti with herb salad and garlic bread
Friday - Crunchy chicken tenders, sweet potato fries, corn and baked beans
Simple. Balanced. Planned-ahead.
One thing that has worked for me over the years, though, is a weekly dinner menu. On Sunday nights, I try and put together a unique and appealing meal plan, then I shop on Monday or Tuesday. Once it's done, it's done, which means one less thing to think about. One less thing to potentially forget.
Our dinner menu for this week:
Monday - Bourbon steak, baked potatoes, green beans
Tuesday - Orange salmon, rice pilaf, zucchini, baked apples
Wednesday - Turkey chili, cornbread, cheese and fruit plate
Thursday - Spaghetti with herb salad and garlic bread
Friday - Crunchy chicken tenders, sweet potato fries, corn and baked beans
Simple. Balanced. Planned-ahead.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Spring and Lemons
Springtime makes me think "lemons". Lemonade, lemon curd, lemon bars, lemon chicken. And, currently, lemon madeleines. I am really digging these right now, with a cup of strong coffee. The perfect afternoon snack (or post-breakfast snack; or before and after lunch snack; or spoil-my-dinner snack.....you get the picture).
Here is a great recipe.
Here is a great recipe.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
My little one has been sick for almost three weeks now. Her cold turned into a double ear infection, which led to a course of antibiotics. My happy, playful little girl has become a really cranky, whiny, hard-to-please mega-baby. And, even though it's only temporary, I find myself depressed and hopeless about it all. Ridiculous, really.
It always amazes me how quickly I begin to question God's intentions towards me in these moments. I think, "did you forget that I could use your help here?" or "do you just not care?" every time I feel I'm going to go under.
I'm so grateful that God is not like me; that he has the capacity to carry all that I cannot. That he is loving me in each and every moment.
It always amazes me how quickly I begin to question God's intentions towards me in these moments. I think, "did you forget that I could use your help here?" or "do you just not care?" every time I feel I'm going to go under.
I'm so grateful that God is not like me; that he has the capacity to carry all that I cannot. That he is loving me in each and every moment.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Beautiful You
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
One Nice Thing
Over the last few days, I've been developing a nasty, raspy cough. It started out innocently enough; just a little tickle in the back of my throat. Now it's taking over my voice.
Thankfully, I don't feel sick at all. I'm doing what I can to ensure it doesn't flare up even more: drinking 1,000 mg vitamin C packets and lots of water and trying to rest (which is difficult when you're temporarily single-parenting a 13 month old).
The one nice thing about trying to fend off a cough (cold, etc) is being forced to take it easy, relax when you can, and let the dishes wait another day.
Thankfully, I don't feel sick at all. I'm doing what I can to ensure it doesn't flare up even more: drinking 1,000 mg vitamin C packets and lots of water and trying to rest (which is difficult when you're temporarily single-parenting a 13 month old).
The one nice thing about trying to fend off a cough (cold, etc) is being forced to take it easy, relax when you can, and let the dishes wait another day.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Making the Best of It
Winter has lashed out for one (hopefully) last time. Parking lots and sidewalks are covered with slushy ice. This means a cancelled retreat to the ocean. Add in a baby with a fierce cold and a husband away on business and you've got the makings of a LONG weekend. Thankfully, I have company. My sister is here with her daughter; companions for both Ava and I.
We're determined to make the best of it, with movies, good food and wine. The weekend may prove to be bright after all.
Hope you enjoy yours.
We're determined to make the best of it, with movies, good food and wine. The weekend may prove to be bright after all.
Hope you enjoy yours.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Soft and Fluffy
I have wanted a Peruvian Alpaca fur something for a long time. A Russian woman I worked with several years ago owned one and used it as a bedspread. I loved lunching at her house because it meant we could sit and chat while I pawed at her fur for the majority of the hour.
Well, thanks to some old friends of my husband, viola! My very own Alpaca fur!

Well, thanks to some old friends of my husband, viola! My very own Alpaca fur!

Ava and I have been sitting on it all day, reading books, playing with baby dolls and rolling around. She pets at it and calls it "kit". For kitty, of course.
I suddenly want it to stay cold for a while longer so I can spread it out by my woodstove. Now that sounds nice.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sunday Brunch
When I woke up this morning the sky looked crispy-gray. An hour or two later, there was a short downpour of freezing rain, followed by an even shorter snowfall. Now the sun is shining, and just in time for the Sunday Brunch I'm hosting. On the menu:
*Egg and sausage casserole
*Freshly baked carrot bread with cream cheese frosting
*Berry Salad with cream
All topped off by good coffee, good music and good friends.
*Egg and sausage casserole
*Freshly baked carrot bread with cream cheese frosting
*Berry Salad with cream
All topped off by good coffee, good music and good friends.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Current Condition
"I dreamed I kissed your feet
Between the cigarette butts
On the side of fourteenth street
I got down on my hands and my knees
With an alabaster jar
And I'm crawling on the floor
Just to find you now
To tell you how I feel I'm falling all over myself
And all my afflictions
They're only light ones anyway now "
~ John Mark McMillan
Between the cigarette butts
On the side of fourteenth street
I got down on my hands and my knees
With an alabaster jar
And I'm crawling on the floor
Just to find you now
To tell you how I feel I'm falling all over myself
And all my afflictions
They're only light ones anyway now "
~ John Mark McMillan
Thursday, January 24, 2008
One Whole Year
My baby girl turns "1" today. I cannot believe it's been an entire year........

Now she can walk, talk, feed herself, cuddle and stroll her baby doll, blow kisses........wow. It's amazing, too, how much I have been changed by her presence in the last year. She's made me a better person; closer to the person I want to be. Not to sap it up too much or anything.
Now she can walk, talk, feed herself, cuddle and stroll her baby doll, blow kisses........wow. It's amazing, too, how much I have been changed by her presence in the last year. She's made me a better person; closer to the person I want to be. Not to sap it up too much or anything.
Happy First Birthday, my big girl.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Afternoon Hot Cocoa
It's finally snowing! After weeks of being teased with chilly-turned-warm-turned-chilly-again weather, we have some definite accumulation here. Ava keeps smashing her face onto the glass sidelights by our front door, thinking that - if she just presses hard enough - she'll be able to feel it.
It's so cozy, too, making an unexpected cup of hot cocoa in the middle of the afternoon.
It's so cozy, too, making an unexpected cup of hot cocoa in the middle of the afternoon.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
"Gonna Make a Pie"
I was home alone last night (well, almost alone. Ava was in her bed). I decided to make some tea, have a cookie and rent a movie. I stumbled upon "Waitress", a story about a young woman in an unhappy marriage who is not excited to find out she's pregnant. I really loved it. She works in a diner making exquisite pies and uses different fillings to express where she's at emotionally. I found it really sweet (no pun intended). I can't officially endorse this movie; I've gotten into trouble that way in the past and don't need anyone "questioning my salvation". But, if you're looking for a funny movie that makes your mouth water, check it out.
Baby don't you cry
Gonna make a pie
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Baby don't be blue
Gonna make for you
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Gonna make a pie from heaven above
Gonna be filled with strawberry love
Baby don't you cry
Gonna make a pie
And hold you forever in the middle of my heart
Baby don't you cry
Gonna make a pie
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Baby don't be blue
Gonna make for you
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Gonna make a pie from heaven above
Gonna be filled with strawberry love
Baby don't you cry
Gonna make a pie
And hold you forever in the middle of my heart
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Busy Morning Breakfast
I desperately need to stock up on some quick, healthy, good-tasting breakfast foods. I have a very busy morning but it doesn't excuse calling lukewarm coffee and an Oatmeal Cream Pie "breakfast". It's just wrong.
Monday, January 7, 2008
So long, '07
Another Christmas is over. The tree has been taken down, the gifts have all found proper homes and most of the leftover treats have been eaten or turned into something freezeable. Christmas 2007....is it too early to reminisce?

.........the warm celebration with family and friends.........and matching dresses

......about Ava's first look at the tree
.........the warm celebration with family and friends.........and matching dresses
.......the scrumptious left-over meal creations (courtesy of a new cookbook as a gift) 
I hate to see it end. But, would it be as special if it happened more than once a year?
Until then, Christmas.
I hate to see it end. But, would it be as special if it happened more than once a year?
Until then, Christmas.
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